google-site-verification: google3c3d4abbab249ab2.html 1021788 B.C. Ltd. (Aunt Em's) | McEown + Associates Ltd.
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1021788 B.C. Ltd. dba Aunt Em's

1021788 B.C. Ltd. dba Aunt Em's filed an assignment in bankruptcy on September 29, 2022 and McEown and Associates Ltd. was appointed as Trustee.  A copy of the Certificate of Appointment and the Creditor Package is available below.

The First Meeting of Creditors will be held by telephone conference on October 20, 2022 at 2:00PM.

For further information, please contact John McEown or Marianne Ting at (604) 558-8020 or by email at

Certificate of Appointment

Creditor Package

Proof of Claim, Proxy Form & Instructions

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